



August 20, 2024


6 Min


Embracing Sustainability: Sentinos Packaging

Leading the charge for sustainable fashion by unveiling recycled paper box packaging, providing both stylish garment protection and adaptable home storage solutions, while actively combating plastic waste.


In an era where environmental consciousness is at the forefront of consumer concerns, Sentino takes a bold step towards sustainability with the introduction of our new eco-friendly box packaging. Our commitment to reducing environmental impact extends beyond creating stylish and comfortable clothing to encompass the entire lifecycle of our products. We are proud to announce that our clothing now comes packaged in recycled paper boxes that not only protect your garments during transit but also double as versatile storage solutions for your home. This initiative is a significant stride in minimizing plastic waste, as we bid farewell to conventional plastic packaging and tags.

The Need for Change

Traditional plastic packaging has long been a cause for concern due to its harmful impact on the environment. Single-use plastic contributes significantly to pollution, and its disposal poses a threat to marine life and ecosystems. As a socially responsible company, Sentino Broad acknowledges the urgency of addressing this issue and is determined to play a role in reducing our ecological footprint.

Choosing Recycled Paper

In our quest for sustainability, we meticulously researched alternative packaging materials and settled on recycled paper for several compelling reasons. Recycled paper not only minimizes the demand for new raw materials but also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional paper production. By choosing recycled paper, we are actively participating in the circular economy, giving a new life to materials that might otherwise end up in landfills.

Versatile Box Packaging

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond just the choice of materials. The box packaging we've selected is not only eco-friendly but also highly practical. These sturdy boxes can serve a dual purpose—they not only protect your garments during shipping but can also be repurposed as storage solutions for your home. Whether you use them to organize your closet, store accessories, or keep sentimental items safe, these boxes are designed to have a lasting impact on your daily life.

Reducing Plastic Waste

In addition to transitioning away from plastic packaging, Sentino Broad has eliminated plastic tags, another common source of environmental waste. Our clothing items now come with tags made from recycled paper or other sustainable materials, reinforcing our commitment to reducing plastic consumption at every level of our production process.

Join Us on the Journey!

At Sentino, we believe that sustainable practices are not just a responsibility but an opportunity to make a positive impact. By embracing recycled paper box packaging, we invite our customers to join us on this journey towards a more eco-friendly future. Together, we can contribute to the well-being of our planet, one recycled box at a time.


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